
“I had a very powerful experience with 2 women specifically, One had a fibrotic rope under an old scar on her L groin into the medial pubic area. When I did vascular release on her she teared up and said she got so much relief from pain.

The other patient had another transformative experience with sensation down her legs again. Long story short, she started running again, lost 40 lbs and has never been the same. I barely recognized her at our last lymph/lipedema support group!

I can't thank you enough for the lessons you gave us.” -CS

“I wanted to point out another aspect of your course that made it different from others I've taken. 

It was an amazing anatomy review. I feel like I can rattle off branches and attachments like I did in PT school anatomy. 

I've never had another course emphasize and spend the time on the anatomy in a way that made is accessible and easy to remember. Maybe it's because of the lab focus rather than information overload. But, the way you teach is at the students level rather than on some astro projected plane that us mere mortals hope to aspire to. “ -DP